
This painting of Charleena Lyles, who was killed by a Seattle Police officer in 2017, is in Pioneer Square. 501 Commons affirms that all Black lives matter. We witness the inspiring work of organizations that disrupt racism and the marginalization of people and are honored to support their work (read about diversity, equity, and inclusion at 501 Commons). The photo was taken by 501 Commons team member Lucinda Stroud.



Want to strengthen your finances, technology, database, HR, planning, operations, leadership skills, fundraising practices, or board? In these areas and more, we've got you covered!

501 Commons' services


If you need guidance in solving an organizational problem, finding the best consultant to partner with, or locating helpful resources and best practices, start a conversation with us!

Inquire today
Don't know where to start? Explore our 旋风加速器官网下载地址 or get personalized assistance.


Build Your Resiliency

During times of crisis, rely on individual leadership, your culture and your networks to 旋风加速器下载地址organization resilient. Peruse through these resources in HR, finance, technology, governance, and communications to help you navigate the pandemic, and let us know how we can help.


The Paycheck Protection Program is still available. PPP pays wages for most employees, utilities, and lease/mortgage interest. If you maintain jobs and salaries, the loan becomes a grant. If you can't confirm your status with a bank, or you want to apply, contact us ASAP at 旋风加速器专业版下载安装 For more info: 旋风加速器的官网在哪里

GiveBIG Washington

GiveBIG 2023 raised $19.2 million in donations, matching funds, and in-kind donations. Thanks to Encore Media Group, our GiveBIG media campaign messages reached people 44 million times thanks to our media partners and sponsors. Thanks also to the Advisory Council, Ostara Group, and Matt Lehrman.


News, Tips, and Insights


Stay updated on the latest news, tips, and resources from 501 Commons.

PPP loans and free assistance still available!

The SBA is accepting Paycheck Protection Program loan applications again until August 8. 501 Commons can provide free application assistance and can help you apply for loan forgiveness.  We also have developed tools to help you keep track of  expenses.


This online seminar on Wednesday, Aug. 12 (3:30 to 5:30 p.m.) provides you with a solid understanding of Policy Governance, an approach to governance used by many nonprofits, credit unions, religious organizations, and school districts. Even if your organization isn’t using PG, executives and board members can learn how to build a more productive and beneficial working relationship.

Upcoming Grant Opportunities

In addition to having your PPP loan converted into grants, there are other ways your organization can receive funding to wade through COVID-19 and our renewed awareness of racial injustice. We've compiled a list of upcoming grant opportunities with deadlines that are either coming up soon or are being offered on a rolling basis. Your organization may not be eligible for them all, but it never hurts to check!

Webinar Series: Life Cycle of Effective Volunteer Management

As we deal with COVID-19, economic shutdowns, and racial injustice, people are feeling energized to give back to their communities through volunteering. This three-part workshop series (Aug. 4, 11, & 18 from 9:00 a.m. to noon) will guide you through the critical components of setting a volunteer program up for success.

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